Writer to Writer

January 26, 2009

There’s one question I get asked all the time: What steps should I take to become a published writer?

Well here are a few tips:

1. Write, write and write some more. You should make it a habit to write down something every single day. It doesn’t matter if it’s a journal entry, a blog, or a post on a social networking site, just make sure you write. I usually set goals for myself like 5oo words or more per day. 

2. Read. There are several books out there to help you on your writing journey. There are two, specifically, that I highly recommend. Chief among them is the “Writers Market” for the current year. It’s a large directory of publications to research for submission. I also recommend a book called “Starting Your Career as a Freelance Writer” by Moira Anderson Allen. This book gives a host of great tips, including guides on how to write a query letter (which should accompany your articles or book manuscripts). Also, it’s a good idea to read articles, books, etc., in your field of interest. For example, if you want to be a fiction novelist, read as many fiction books as possible. Want to write magazine articles about women’s health issues? Read magazines geared toward women’s health and fitness. And so forth …

3. Submit. Pitch articles or essays to magazines, local newspapers, etc. This will help get your name out there. Be sure to research each media outlet’s criteria. For instance, your wouldn’t want to submit a fashion article to Sports Illustrated. Also, familiarize yourself with the publication’s style, e.g., AP Style, Chicago Manual, MLA, etc. This will increase your chances of publication. Make sure you edit your work thoroughly before sending it off. Submitting an article chock-full of mistakes is guaranteed to be tossed in the trash without further review.

4. Don’t be afraid of rejection. In the publishing industry, you must have thick skin and remember above all, it’s a business. Rejection letters don’t necessarily mean you’re a bad writer, so keep at it. Sometimes a publication will return your work with comments attached. These can be very helpful, in case there is something you need to improve.

Any questions? Post it as a comment below and I’ll be glad to answer it for you.


Peace, blessings and happy writing, 
