Take Time to Love

May 21, 2009

Recent tragedies in the lives of some of us here at MochaMusings have moved us to take a time out and remind all of our readers of how precious life is. You’ve heard it said a million times, but it’s always nice to have a reminder: Life is short. No one is invincible or immune from death. 

So, while you’re on this abbreviated journey we call life, take the time to love.

Love God, first and foremost. He’s the reason the one who has granted us all the time we here.

Love family and friends. TELL them you love them every chance you get. Many of us go through life assuming they know we love them, but sometimes hearing you SAY it means the world.

Love strangers. Strive to inspire or help someone every day. You’d be surprised how big an impact just one small act of kindness can make. 

Love yourself. You only have one life, one body. Take care of it.

Love life in all its brevity. Don’t be afraid to live and take chances, and find every reason you can to laugh. Regrets will only hold you back.

Take care and God bless, 
